RIVERSHOTis an intelligent and innovative approach to water quality that is data-driven, highly directed, inquisitive and comprehensive in its commitment to learning and understanding.
RIVERSHOTuses a combination of satellite-based spectral analysis and direct water sampling to help industry, communities and environmental agencies effectively monitor and identify changes in river water quality.
RIVERSHOTportrays water quality by continuously tracking the extent of Nitrate and E. coli content along the river.
Sustainability -RIVERSHOTcontributes to a sustainable river eco-system that benefits everyone. This contribution provides a smarter and better way of focusing attention, resources, effort and impact on the water quality of river eco-systems.
Contamination -RIVERSHOTdifferentiates between the natural order of things and the contamination introduced by human activity on selected rivers.
Monitoring -RIVERSHOThelps industries, communities and environmental agencies monitor and identify changes in river water quality by quantifying, benchmarking, defining and communicating the river water quality.
1. Satellite flyovers occur at least every five days - cloud permitting
2. Data is analysed within 24 hour of a satellite overflight - allowing water quality issues to be rapidly identified
Advantages - RIVERSHOTcan be applied to most rivers and waterways in New Zealand.Improvements - RIVERSHOTimproves river quality monitoring by pinpointing where and when to test, resulting in improved use of limited resources. More accurate and frequent data, presented promptly, allows agencies to use the data instantly.
Management - RIVERSHOTdata improves the understanding of a river's natural order and assists management of the river’s ecosystem.
Ethics - RIVERSHOTadheres to a strict code of ethics that governs how data is collected, tested and presented. This ensures objectivity and conclusions that are firmly evidence-based.
RIVERSHOT he wai tūtei – the water sentry